Monday, January 5, 2009

it's a new year!

hi loves,
it seems the holidays have come and gone. i've scribbled down all of my resolutions, intentions and expectations for the year. have you? so far, i love 2009. it has been swell from the start. bk (that's my husband, for those of you not yet in-the-know) proclaimed it will be our best year yet, which i just loved hearing even though the last five have been pretty perfect. officially, i have forty-one resolutions. i thought it would be fun to share a few of them with you today. there are lots of marvelous projects in the works at my house, and i cannot wait to share more of what's in store for 2009 with you.


  1. great plans for 2009, sweetie... wish i could follow resolutions the way you do!

  2. i agree with aimee and wish i could photograph them as beautifully as you have, too. maybe next year ;)?

  3. Cooking vegan is on my list too! Right now I cook vegan about half of the time. We're still having trouble giving up butter and cheese and the occasional sushi dinner. Good luck to you! I absoultely love how you posted your resolutions!

  4. *) happy happy new year loves!
    aimee, wishing you all the best!
    cindy, YOUR photos are always amazing!!
    rachel, awesome! we are about 80% vegan. we did 100% for a bit, but my husband loves cheese. my plan is to cook our meals mostly vegan and then just relax about the rest. ideally, i would be a vegan who eats fish (if that makes any sense... :))

  5. you are so fabulous - and you make me giggle as well. what a lovely start to this marvelous year~

  6. you are so pretty kelly, every time you post a pic of yourself I always think how naturally beautiful you are. great resolutions! can't wait to spend 2009 reading about them :)

  7. kelly, i love love LOVE your resolutions! (and i'm right there with you on the dentist one!) i love hearing you say your life has been perfect-- you always see the best in things. i love you. :)

  8. Love those resolutions - not to hard, and a great challenge each week!


Much LOVE & Gratitude for reading! I'd love to hear what *you* think. {p.s. I'm now moderating all comments because we have had too many spammers dropping porn-bombs on us. booooo!}