Tuesday, July 29, 2008

le inspiration.

i am forever obsessed with color. this much i know.

shiny sparkly inspiration

here are my current round of shiny, sparkly sources of inspiration via flickr. links to their source are below.

all photos copyright of their creators.
Untitled, See?, urgencies, Digitus Medio Proximus, Amigurumi Crochet Catepillar, Untitled, 007, Rainbow Greeting, What She Said, Untitled, RADIATE, . WR Esalen Gestalt Rainbow 2, ur heart, . 3500 seats in yellow, . Spin-N-Win 1, . Untitled, . patoo.xai, . Toy Bokeh, . Day 36 ~ There is no spoon., . Peace/Victory Hand Pocket Mirrors and Pinback Buttons, . la + Arrow, . when in doubt, . Kellen Minor, . Untitled, . I feel scattered., . upgrade, . ..., . When you make something beautiful, you are an artist., . Rose and Radish FĂȘte Show, . Setting the Sun, Stages of Jumping, . I say, "sir, how much for the glasses", . Amo l'estate, . miro la vida pasar, . wing walker


  1. this is exactly what I needed! thank you.

  2. ooooh very cool! like a little mosaic of bright candies. i just added you to my flickr contacts.

    great hearing about all the states you've been to; i love travel just like you love whales! that's my passion!

  3. OH GOSH... this is gorgeous. thank you so much kelly dear! :)

  4. thanks for the sweet comments gals! there's nothing like a shot of chartreuse to get the mind going!

  5. ooh, i can't wait to dig through these links! particularly that "I'm guilty of stealing your heart" one. AWESOME!

  6. Brightened my day you did! Thanks you little ray of sunshine you!


Much LOVE & Gratitude for reading! I'd love to hear what *you* think. {p.s. I'm now moderating all comments because we have had too many spammers dropping porn-bombs on us. booooo!}