Thursday, November 6, 2008

i'm not there.

dudes, does it seem like i'm never around anymore? i feel it too. one of my intentions for 2OO9 is to find my way back to a more balanced schedule. yes. it will happen. two steps toward making this happen have already been put in place: a) no more kid yoga for the time being and b) no wednesday night apparel design class next quarter. ( i LOVE it, but the pace of life that accompanies being gone every weeknight until 9pm is not for me anymore.)

so what have i been up to lately?

developing new work for the shop. {i LOVE to print.}
the om mini-moleskine in blue sparkles.

sewing. sewing. sewing. this is a mini-vest sample to prepare for a big vest i'm making.
last night's homework.

sewing. a pillow and sham. {my first experience with an industrial pattern-- LOVE.}
my first experience with an industrial pattern: pillow & sham.

enjoying an amazing fall in the northwest as i bike from work to class to yoga and back again.
happy thursday!


  1. oh girl, you are so "there". I adore your posts and it seems as though you are pretty balanced.. printing, sewing, taking time to smell the fall! Wonderful photos!

  2. i think you've been doing the most wonderful things and now we got to see them. namaste, kelly!

  3. that sky, oh that sky! it is so beautiful. i love the peeks we get into your life, kelly! :)

  4. I'm so glad to see you sewing! I can't wait to see some more work!

  5. Fantastic! Here is a suggestion. FastCommerce. It is a super ecommerce platform that is completely free for fifty products. For 2000 products it's only $29.95. Really impressive! You can try out


Much LOVE & Gratitude for reading! I'd love to hear what *you* think. {p.s. I'm now moderating all comments because we have had too many spammers dropping porn-bombs on us. booooo!}