Friday, October 31, 2008

new work. cute overload. good things.

i see you.

darlings, i've just spent the afternoon drawing in drippy ink and painting a few new pieces for the bedroom. i love to make things. lately, my schedule has been so hectic that the few hours of un-interrupted time for creating felt like a gift from the universe. so THANK YOU universe!

new piece for the bedroom.

also, while i was away last weekend, my darling mister scanned a stack of photos of shyla as a puppy. i think they are both too cute for words.

my baby.




my loves.

have a positively delightful weekend, my dears. we are laying low tonight, but will be out spreading the good vibes at a show tomorrow night and at the free yoga class i'm teaching at lululemon on sunday! {seattle peeps-- would love to see you there at 9:30 on sunday morning.}

all love,


  1. the photos of shyla are so cute. i especially love the ones in the snow.

  2. *Such* a cute puppy! (but pretty darling now, too.)

  3. cutest. puppy. ever. seriously!!

  4. So cute - your day sounds amazing!

  5. now I want to meet your puppy too! xxoo


Much LOVE & Gratitude for reading! I'd love to hear what *you* think. {p.s. I'm now moderating all comments because we have had too many spammers dropping porn-bombs on us. booooo!}