Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Doing the happy dance.

Dears, I have fantastic news: my new scanner is on its way to the house. as. we. speak. seriously.


  1. OOOOH, I can't wait to see everything you do w/ it! :)

  2. Lucky you, I only have an old one. Way too big.
    Let's see what you come up with :)

  3. it has been a LONG time coming. my current "scanner" (if we can even call it that anymore), inserts a black line down the middle of anything i scan or copy. right now, if i *need* to scan anything, i have to get myself and the art to Kinko's--not an easy feat in the rainy winter--pay by the minute to scan something and burn it to a disc. I finally got to the point where i realized that even a $300 scanner would be cheaper than my trips to the Kinko's!!


Much LOVE & Gratitude for reading! I'd love to hear what *you* think. {p.s. I'm now moderating all comments because we have had too many spammers dropping porn-bombs on us. booooo!}