Friday, March 7, 2008

5 REALLY good things.

How is it Friday already?? This week flew by, didn't it? Well, here is the icing on the cake: 5 really good things, an idea I got from Kelly (Camp Indigo Soul), who I think was inspired by Liz, and so on and so on until we reach Kevin Bacon... or Donald Sutherland.

1. Design for Mankind featured my Portrait of a Waitress. Holy crap. I must tell you that this made me feel a little bit famous. (The original sold. Keep your eyes open for prints. That's right: PRINTS!!)

2. I sold more art. With each sale, I do a little happy-joyful-blissed*out dance of gratitude. It blows my mind how happy this makes me.

3. My Thursday night yoga class is an absolute dream come true. Seriously. We have such a great group of people who take this class and are totally into the study of yoga.

4. Some crazy wonderful art spilled onto my canvas this week. Work that just made its way into the world as though through a dream. Dang amazing feeling, if you ask me.

5. My Illustration Friday piece "Leap" made Explore on flickr.

6. A totally wonderful thing is upcoming in June, but I will do a big reveal when I have some more concrete deets.

Oh, that was six. Well, then, there are 6 really good things for this Friday morning. I'll be back, dudes.




  2. Wonderful list of wonderful things! We should do this more often!

    Let's hear about those prints... ;)

  3. I think so too (listing wonderfulness more often)!

  4. Awww, thank you for your sweet words, Kelly!!! :)


Much LOVE & Gratitude for reading! I'd love to hear what *you* think. {p.s. I'm now moderating all comments because we have had too many spammers dropping porn-bombs on us. booooo!}