Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Changing colors

Although it doesn't yet feel like fall here in Seattle and I am relishing these evenings spent swimming (while I *should* be blogging), telltale signs of the autumn have popped up everywhere: the leaves have begun to change colors, kids have done their back-to-school shopping and are already wearing out their new kicks on the playgrounds, Friday night football games are upon us. I have begun to feel a gentle shift in my own color compass. Not that I'll be trading in my magentas for black anytime soon, but I've been drawn to the more subtle shades of my favorites lately. A new favorite I found on flickr illustrates this point. Here, I am really inspired by the turquoise-- but this isn't the hot, Miami-in-July turquoise I have had such a wild affair with this summer, it's gentler, speaks in a whisper instead of a cackle. It's a lovely, inspired time of year.

This photo, by the by, was taken at this year's Burning Man festival by Smoocherie. Its subject is the Big Round Cubatron, a light sculpture created by Mark Lottor. (The Big Round Cubatron also made an appearance at the festival I attended at Horning's Hideout in July, too.)

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