Monday, July 26, 2010

another post about food!

hi loves.
i made an amazing discovery the other day: corn cakes made from jiffy corn muffin mix are ridiculously tasty. after teaching a sweaty yoga class on sunday morning, i was famished. Mr. Loves Whales was working on a deadline, so he couldn't join me for brunch. i thought that brunching alone at a restaurant while he toiled away at the office seemed beyond unfair, so i decided instead to whip up something filling (yet decadent, it was Sunday after all) to munch on. well, our waffle maker is packed up for home-staging purposes and the beignet mix that was open was LONG expired (and also, the box said i should keep it in the refrigerator after opening...ooops). i did, however, spy a box of jiffy mix.
starting point
now, one of my favorite brunch meals comes from the vita cafe in portland... thai corn cakes, so i thought i would recreate them somewhat at home by adding bananas and whipped cream (i know it's not thai, but i was fresh out the other ingredients, like ginger, cilantro and coconut syrup).
in progress
holy amazing.
i think i'll make them with cilantro, ginger and coconut syrup next time (and share them with someone else... i had an incredible amount of food!).


  1. You made that with a box of Jiffy Mix??? Heck, I always just make a cornbread. I'm intrigued and impressed (just enough to make me read your next post). I'm so gonna try this!

  2. So glad I stumbled upon your blog. Just lovely! You have inspired me to add a box of Jiffy corn muffin mix to my grocery list. It looks so yummy!!

  3. oh gosh that looks SO yummy. well done, kelly! (miss you!)


Much LOVE & Gratitude for reading! I'd love to hear what *you* think. {p.s. I'm now moderating all comments because we have had too many spammers dropping porn-bombs on us. booooo!}