my newest favorite smoothie ingredient is... BASIL! here are a few ways it has jazzed up my mornings this week.
watermelon cocktail:
1 cup fresh watermelon
1 cup water + dash of coconut water
1 handful of basil.
{blend on high. drink! enjoy!}
mango healer:
1 cup fresh (or frozen & thawed) mango
1 cup coconut water
1 handful of basil.
{blend on high. it's a vacation to thailand in your mouth!}

i have also been using the heck out of my food spiralizer. this is one of those weird gadgets that has been absolutely indispensible for eating raw. it makes sweet potatoes edible raw! and it makes the best "pasta" from raw zuchini and squash. i made a sweet potato pasta last week coated with edamame pate that knocked my socks off! the pate is super easy to make.

soak shelled edamame in enough water to cover. toss into the blender or food processor with 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed olive oil, a touch of salt or shoyu and a dash of apple cider vinegar. blend until smooth. smear on whatever looks good. it's amazing.
* labels often make me act crazy. i aim to eat about 80% raw vegan. it's better for everyone if we make that aspirational and not a strict rule. when i am rigid about food, i tend to stress myself out. that's not healthy and healthy is my goal.
kelly i totally agree about the "label" thing. i tell people, when they ask, "i eat food, mostly plants and not too much" then i give credit to michael pollan ;) i'm going to try the sweet potato, edamame dish, sounds great!