Tuesday, March 3, 2009

inspiration tuesday.

dears, there are so many amazing things to do and see on the internet. i find myself filled beyond capacity with inspiring visions at times. every now and again, i find it necessary to take a day and stare at the wall, listening to absolutely nothing, just soaking in the silence. i know that my weekend will be filled with color, costumes, craziness, and {of course} musical genius, so i'm taking today to clear the decks, to find neutral, to clear the chalkboard, if you will...sometimes that is the most inspiring state. XO

{inspiring images used under a creative commons license, click to visit original:

1. The Soft And Quiet, 2. DSC_0068, 3. Soft (touch my roses), 4. musing}

1 comment:

Much LOVE & Gratitude for reading! I'd love to hear what *you* think. {p.s. I'm now moderating all comments because we have had too many spammers dropping porn-bombs on us. booooo!}