Friday, May 23, 2008

le friday.

i know i say this every friday, but this week really flew by. i think it was because i taught two extra yoga classes and had an especially large pile of work on my desk (good thing i LIKE it!). in the last few weeks, i have begun making space in my brain for a few new, big projects: a series of commissioned pieces and some larger drawings for my lovely parents, just to name a few. during these times, i find my yoga practice especially necessary. that and staring at a blank wall or piece of paper or just out the window in silence. i need that space. when ideas come easily, it is equally easy to become overwhelmed by them to the point of insomnia or nervous-energy explosions-- that is, if i'm not practicing all of my rituals: morning meditation every day, whole yoga, spilling the contents of my brain into a notebook, practicing restorative yoga before bed, getting into nature, looking away from the computer.... all that. if i'm doing all that, then it's all good in the hood.


a little warm-up. i like these colors.

chandelier jewels

speaking of the 'hood. i realize that i haven't written any tales from the 'hood in quite awhile. maybe this is because we had a lull in shootings after the fatal one down the block this winter. i can tell that spring has sprung, though, because i have noticed an increase in the number of discarded crack baggies on the ground during my morning walks. mostly of the superman and nike swoosh variety (you know... for athletes! just kidding.).
in honor of FRIDAY, here are my up-to-the moment things i LOVE about my neighborhood:
super-sweet new neighbors who make beer and share our love of gardening.
delicious Ethiopian food. we have a great place within a block, but for summer, i LOVE to sit on the patio here-- it's about 4 blocks away.
my neighborhood coffee shop. the owners are the sweetest, and they make delicious delicious lattes.
we are getting a new p-patch!
being able to ride my bike everywhere.
walking to the lake on saturday mornings.
friday peace rally on the corner.
the farmers' market!


  1. Oh my-- discarded crack baggies? You be careful, my dearie!!!!

  2. you're so funny! I like your new sketches!! Have a fantastic weekend.

  3. We lived in neighborhoods with lovely syringes, and some prophylactics. We never had the sense of community like you do, I think that would have made the other things not matter so much.


Much LOVE & Gratitude for reading! I'd love to hear what *you* think. {p.s. I'm now moderating all comments because we have had too many spammers dropping porn-bombs on us. booooo!}