hello, darlings! what a wonderful weekend we had. bk & i drifted back to portland on friday morning to celebrate his birthday and just enjoy ourselves in general. it was fabulous. too fabulous. (i must admit that i am a bit home-sick for our life in portland.)
here are my most favorite memories from the weekend.
*asking a baker at fred meyer to write "happy birthday deuce" on a cake we bought for mikey's party.
* hugging every single person i knew at least three times.
*riding the max downtown from the northeast to walk around the park blocks.
*walking my mister and my dog through tryon state park and finishing with a stroll through our ol' law school.
* sitting down at binks for a drink (the alberta, total yum) and seeing five of our best friends within ten minutes.
*visiting with my darling girl-friend who is carrying twins!
*TOMATO!!! spinning at mikey's party.
*walking through pier park with more friends and more worlds colliding.
*while trying to find a replacement for brian's favorite tee that got stolen while we were surfing in costa rica, happening upon skull-kitty at the saturday market.

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